Monday, May 12, 2008

Wendy's First Day

I am...a pear shape! Whew, I feel like I'm at a meeting. I will trust God to help me accept what I cannot change, but I CAN change this! My short-term vain deadline is July 26th for my 25 year high school reunion. I want to lose 15 pounds of pear-fat in 11 weeks. My long-term health-for-life deadline is in September, when my first grandchild is to be born. Her Great-Nana is looking great and is a smaller pear than I. Nanny Wendy needs to be in as good a shape as Great-Nana!

I will begin with getting control of my food intake, as well. I am filling out a food diary so that I have see the whole day and face it. Whole, real foods only. Drink my quota of water. I'm with you on the week of serious food change. So far: One egg & one banana (protein and carb). I am beginning from ground zero on the aerobics level, so I will start slower. I will walk outside (as soon as the rain stops and the ground isn't mud!) outside or in town when I can.

How many days should I lift? Whole body work out or alternate upper and lower body? Also, what kind of caloric intake can I go to sensibly? I will eat the 5 smaller meals/snacks.

I will post pics (not the naked ones!) as soon as I figure out how to get them on my computer...I guess in my bathing suit...does anyone really want to see that??? But, the July pics will be better!


molly said...

i´m so proud of you!!!