Tuesday, August 12, 2008

goals, goals, goals

well, i officially signed up for the columbus half marathon. october 19th.

my goals are: 
1. getting to the starting line
2. enjoying the race
3. finishing the same day
i did run a 5K a couple weeks ago... it was so fun. and i'm running another one this friday evening! i am really enjoying running, and that's the first time i've run long enough/consistant enough to be able to say that. 
other exercise goals:
1. yoga on a regular basis
2. riding my road bike (padded shorts anyone??)
3. 50 crunches a day/10 push-ups a day
food goals:
1. no more soda
2. no more desserts (except jenni's ice cream for the rest of summer:)
3. no more alcohol (with few exceptions, of course:)
4. more fruits, veggies & protein!
5. only 1 coffee drink a day
6. no more processed foods
(that looks like too many "no's". i don't really like that, but not really sure how to be specific without them...)
tam - you coming up here for the race??

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Send help

Roll has somehow turned to pudge, still annoying, but not as protruding...

Sunday, August 3, 2008

children are evil

Did I say that I have a flat stomach???

Today I am in my bikini, and Kennedy comes by and pulls the bottoms up a bit.

Our conversation:
what are you doing?
I think it looks better this way.
why, it seems too high now
well, it covers that roll of fat that you have right there.
