Tuesday, July 29, 2008

This made me laugh

"Pear-shaped" is British slang for
something gone wrong with ones plans

Yeah, I'll say something has gone wrong here...

still a pear

Still here, still a pear.
No exercise happening here, unless you count packing and loading 5000 boxes as exercise. And for some reason I DON'T!!
Some people say cleaning your house is exercise, and I don't really believe that either. For me exercise has to be a time set apart from all other activities, where I can get super sweaty and actually feel like I am accomplishing something. Mopping, great to get your floor clean, but exercise?? not so much.
Again, just this one pears opinion.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pear Schmare

Nothing new on the pear front. This pear is not really paring down. More like maintaining pear weight and shape. BUT this pear has been happy with shape lately, as it is getting FIRMER. A firm pear is, after all, what we are all looking for, right?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Why I like being a pear

I have a flat stomach

well, I guess thats it

Thursday, July 10, 2008

things and things

things are good
I have been to the gym 3 times and
I only ate bad once (sausage biscuit from Mc'D)
I shopped yesterday and bought only tops.
I have the most tops in the record of shoppers.
I watched "what not to wear" and learned a few things.
One of them being: NO ONE can find good jeans that fit right.
Jeans have to be altered to fit.
Stacy said "It doesn't matter what your size/shape, all jeans need to be tailored"
So yes, even if you spend 175.00 on a pair of jeans, be prepared to shell out additional $30.00 for alterations...
or learn to sew
or wear shorts

Monday, July 7, 2008

It is so hard to remember...

Whenever I get to the store without children (insert rare) and then actually feel thin enough to try on any clothes (insert rare) I can not for the life of me remember what I am "supposed" to buy! So I decided to focus on one thing only...pants for now.

Boot-leg pants – bootcut pants are a dream for pear shaped women. The cut is flattering because it widens below the knee and slightly flares at the bottom. This cut definitely results in an appearance of slimmer thighs and hips. Be sure to purchase the pants in a style that ends before the waist begins – a low rise or extra low rise minimizes the appearance of large hips with a small waist and gives you a more balanced appearance. Wear bootcut pants in dark colors and with a slight heel for a look that elongates your silhouette even more.

I knew it would happen

Sure, I figured a BAD DAY of eating would come, but I didn't expect it to happen yesterday!!!
Actually, I don't know why I didn't expect it!
Corey left for a week, it was pouring down raining, and NOTHING to do but eat!!!!
The worst includes:
3 pieces of pizza
3 cinna-stix (SOOOOO good from Dominoes)
Ice-cream sundae
Today is a new day, and I will recover!!!!
The gym has been gone to (I know already, I am good)
and the required breakfast has been eaten...

Sunday, July 6, 2008

My last 2 days...

I continued with the exercise and the eating, I did vary the meals a bit, but was very reasonable, and tried to only eat a small portion.
Everything went well.
Even on Friday, we had boiled shrimp, and roasted potatoes and corn on the cob for dinner.
On Saturday we went out to dinner and I was afraid that I would "be bad" but I had a pulled pork sandwich (minus the bun) and 5 french fries.
This might be the best I have been in a long time.
FOR ME< it is all about the whole package. If I can work out, then I will eat better.
One without the other, doesn't work.

Saturday, July 5, 2008


so, no raw food diet for me right now. maybe when i'm done nursing i'll try it for a month. and i missed the 4 day diet plan. i've been eating pretty normal i think. not great. i'd like to be more strict, but i have so many excuses! and kelly, you're dead on. i usually live outside the USA, so my diet is pretty healthy. when i'm back in country, i have a tendency to eat all my cravings... all the things i used to eat here. for example: coffee drinks, cookies, brownies, ice cream, pizza... these are some of my favorite things. 

but, thanks to a friend, i'm trying a crazy idea to eat less sugar (with the idea of becoming sugar-free:), more protein.  and also thanks to friends, i am jogging every other day (3-4 miles), and in the gym on the off days. we are considering running the columbus half marathon. am i crazy? what do you think? 
kel, what is a good substitute for oatmeal? 

Thursday, July 3, 2008

I'm back.......

I'm back on! Today I'm fasting - lots of water and a small amount of coffee so far. Then I will try the required menu. My 15 yr. old daughter came to me wanting to plan one day a week for her and I go go biking, walking, hiking, etc. Thanks, Abby! She's trying to help and support me. We've had so much rain and with a granddaughter coming early, I haven't done very well walking or exercising. But...speaking of butts...mine IS getting a workout everyday in the garden. Squats galore!

Repeat x 3

Again with the meals...boring!!!! But effective.
I am feeling good, and overall have had a very good 3 days! I have gotten to the gym each day (yesterday a Be-Fit class) and I feel like I haven't missed much!
I do not miss the greasy drive through food, or the bowl of ice-cream at night!
It seems when EVERYTHING comes together (eating right and exercising) then all is well.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Day 2 Going well so far!

I woke up and went to a tone 15 minute ab class, and a hour of tone and sculpt!

Had the "required" breakfast ( even after making blueberry muffins for the staff at school)

Had the "required" lunch.

For snack I had 2 whole wheat crackers with peanut butter on the (not on the list, but I was at the pool and unprepared)

Had the "required" dinner

Had 1 beer (it's on the list...right???)

Day 1 AGAIN!!

Great day
I woke up and ran 5 miles
I ate the "required" breakfast.
I ate the "required" lunch.
No snack, I need to go to the produce stand!
Dinner was grilled steak and grilled eggplant.
Dessert was a skinny cow ice cream bar!
I feel good.