Friday, March 26, 2010

pears can b-o-x

I boxed again on Tuesday morning...probably not a great decision, since I couldn't even move to get out of bed! lol...but I sure felt better Tuesday night! I was talking to my friend who I box with (she is not a pear, she is an apple) and we both decided it is best to get up early and work out in the am. Even getting up in pitch black. Going out in the c-c-c-c-old. It is so worth it later in the day. It feels GREAT! Again with the running on Wednesday and lifting weights on Thursday.... and here we are Friday :) Friday mornings there is no boxing :( no bueno. So I will have to make myself go for a run or something.
Now eating: I command you to get under control TODAY!

Monday, March 22, 2010

sore, bruised pear...

so..... i really went ALL OUT in boxing today and I am sore. I am is a fun and beautiful thing! I love to be sore because it makes me feel like i actually did something. I am not sure that is scientific or anything, just my personal feelings.
I did more abs than I have done in 6 months.
I did more cross jab combos than I have ever done...I kicked ass!! And I am super excited and proud of myself.
I also have eaten very little today, based on the fact that I had a crown and it is still SORE. ugh... but feeling positive :)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

a pear deduction

I can eat, or not eat. I can exercise or not exercise.
Nothing changes the pear shape.
But I feel better when I eat better. I feel better when I exercise more. I feel more alive when I am working hard. I am stronger and healthier.
I am running.
I am Insanity-ing.
I am kick boxing.
I am strong.