Saturday, May 24, 2008

When you know you are sick...

And I don't mean the throwing up kind.
Yesterday I had just completed a very nice work out and was feeling good, when I ran into a friend (who also used to be an instructor). We were having small chat and then I told her about the new instructor who really worked me out hard, and how sore I was etc... yet I couldn't wait to take her class again, and how I have highlighted her schedule so that I could go to each one of her classes and she said...
"man, you really are sick".
And this is worse, I took that as a compliment!!!
It was better than a guy friend who told me that when I work my legs out they get "big" and how great that is and how he wishes he could have big legs.
I did not take this as a compliment.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Good News for pears

read on pears!

Take that apples!

the easy route

I have to mention this because it invariably pops up somewhere in the conversation when I consult with someone about changing her pear-shaped figure. I, personally, believe that liposuction should only be the “icing on the cake”. I don’t believe in using liposuction as the first option in attacking lower body fat because to maintain that surgically enhanced figure you need good exercise and eating habits. The people who don’t exercise and just do “lipo” do not have those habits well established in their daily life. Often times, the fat returns – maybe not in the place that was originally operated on but in other, sometimes strange, places like the pubic area or the neck. Dr. Robert Eckel of the North American Association for the Study of Obesity reported that half the liposuction patients he studied gained their weight back within a year. The best lipo results I have seen have been on people who worked the hard way to reduce body fat and build lean muscle and then had liposuction to remove small pockets of resistant fat.

the experts have spoken

Large pears to small pears.The apples in Wadden’s study lost fat mostly in the chest and abdomen so they looked different after losing weight. The pears, meanwhile, lost fat in both their upper and lower body so they maintained their basic shape even when they became smaller.
Wadden observed that “weight loss is often not as noticeable in pear-shaped women because their hips and thighs still look heavy compared to their waists and chests”. He said the pear-shaped women entered his study as large pears and they left as small pears.

One pear's opinion
Tips for reshaping a pear-shaped body.
A pear-shaped woman still needs to do cardiovascular or aerobic exercise to reduce body fat. Build up your stamina so that you can do vigorous aerobic workouts (running, cardio gym machines, aerobic classes, cycling, dancing, etc.) three to six times a week.
Develop sensible eating habits. There is no way you can reduce hip and thigh fat if your daily diet consists of junk food, fast food, creamy or oily food, cakes and pastries, etc. Eat mostly natural high-fiber food like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and if you eat animal protein and dairy products, make sure they are from lean low-fat sources. Eat the sweets and junk food only occasionally and in moderation.
Build muscle mass in the upper body by lifting weights heavy enough to fatigue you in eight to twelve repetitions.
Tone and tighten the muscles in your lower body without building mass by lifting “light” weights for fifteen to twenty repetitions. Do not be afraid to lift weights for your lower body - just don’t lift heavy. I have seen women who were so scared to build bulk in their legs that they would only use one-pound ankle weights. You will not get anywhere with those “baby” weights. I cannot give an absolute number like “never use ankle weights beyond six pounds per leg” because women come in different sizes and heights. You will know the weight is light because you can comfortably lift it fifteen to twenty times. By the last couple of repetitions, it should “cost” you a little something in terms of effort. You are wasting your time if you can lift your legs fifty times without even batting an eyelash.
Be patient. Building muscle mass in the upper body is not as easy as it sounds. You have to learn the right way to lift weights and build up your strength gradually. It takes a while to get strong enough to lift the weight required for your muscles to start getting bigger. The fat on your hips, thighs, and buttocks will not surrender very easily either.
Be realistic. Your body can change shape but it can only change so far. Be happy with what you can change. Don’t get depressed over what you cannot change. For example, you cannot change the width of your hips if you have already trimmed the fat practically down to the bone. The thighs and buttocks will also always be a little fleshier than you would probably prefer

i loVe wedneSday!

Well pears here is the deal...
today I did a 45 minute boot camp class...and it kicked my boot-y!! After that (b/c I wasn't sore enough) I did a 15 minute ab class then an hour of yoga to top things off.
I really miss working out, and no I do not think I am obsessive about working out, I just really like it. So, some people like to scrapbook and I like to work out. There is no difference, is there? People just like to say I am obsessed because it has to do with weight etc... but truly I like to work out. Call me crazy, maybe, but not obsessive.
I also like to cook everyday and read a little bit everyday, and spend time with my kids everyday....
summer is fun!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Exercise...almost time

Okay, i already have my workout schedule planned for the next 2 weeks. It is so much easier for me to stick to a work out plan, than a food plan. I love to eat and I love food and I LOVE to work out!
Wednesday morning, cardio work out, 15 minute ab class and yoga.
Thursday morning, cardio work out, 15 minute ab class, and tone and sculpt
Friday morning, cardio x 2, 15 minute ab class
Saturday morning....running on the beach! (I will be in Florida!!!)
Sunday morning, see above
LOOKING GOOD coming up soon!

Friday Night Feast

2 pieces of Pizza
3 Smores
1/2 bottle of wine.

Friday, May 16, 2008

My poll

I need to get more people to take my poll.
I have one pear (me) and one hourglass (WHO???)
Today was field day at school, and since I am the PE teacher, this is my event. And we had Fear Factor Field Day! It was fun and funny and GROSS. The kids loved it. I am trying to distract you so that you don't comprehend the next statement. I ate SOOOO BADLY yesterday! There I said it. I am a loser...sorry people. I cannot even make it 8 days.
I mean what is wrong with me?
Can't I be just a little bit ocd, with a small, eating disorder for a short period of time?

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pear Shape + exercise = thin pear?

So IF I do get any thinner, is it just a thinner pear?
I do think so.
It is way worth it to be the thin pear than the fat pear.
To me, exercise is necessary, I FEEL good. I feel good even about the bad things.
To me it is a cure of sorts.
I believe in it.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

skinny is as skinny does

GUM is very good. So good to carry in your purse. Sugarless Gum. Extra's Berry gum actually makes you think you are eating something...and when you are driving past Wendy's, that is a VERY GOOD thing!

My sister just gave me a new mantra to chant in my sugar addicted brain when I am stuck in line at Wal-mart with candy on both sides of you:

Nothing Tastes As Good As Skinny Feels!

(and yes, I did call her in a panic b/c I was so close to buying a Snickers)
I like that - very good. I can add that to my list. I have a walking mantra, as well. In time to my steps:

Eat healthy
Lose weight
Get sexy
for Dan!

scales, part 2

Did I mention that I ALWAYS weigh myself?!?! Everyday. I have to because of the transplant. But, that is the total worst thing you can do when you are trying to lose weight. Lose a pound, gain a half, lose a half, gain a pound. Once a week weigh-ins are so much better. I weighed 150.5 this morning. When I look at myself, especially naked, I feel like I must weigh 170 or so. But, in my mind's eye (when I can't see my reflection or naked fat) I weigh 127. My weight from 15 years ago. That's probably why I can continually eat and not, at that moment, feel like I should stop.

Maybe I need to start eating naked and in front of the mirror....


Did I mention that I NEVER weigh myself??!!!
I do not have a scale.
At school there is a scale in the teacher's lounge!! I mean what is up with that? Gorge yourself with free hot doughnuts and all sorts of cakes and pies and then if you want to step on the scale.
Thanks for that.
Anyway, I weighed myself this morning. I weigh 136.
When I posted the pictures, the weight assigned to those pictures was what I guessed I weighed, based on my feeling.
I felt 142.
I weigh 136.
Unless the scale at school is off.
In that case I am really 142.
That sucks.

my days 2 thru 4

Hazelnut Cinnamon mouth is watering! Gosh, please try not to list or describe any delicious foods!

Day 2 - I ate well, but didn't exercise.
Day 3 - I didn't eat as well (still much better than last week!), but did walk for 1.5 hours. It would have been a more efficient workout w/o my chatty, slower friend:).
Today - Day 4 - I am going to do down to our "gym" as soon as I finish this post and workout/lift my lower body. It if were not freezing here in Utica, I'd walk outside again. I'm a wus.
Breakfast was an egg and coffee. Not much, but I was full, so I stopped there.
Lunch was one piece of turkey and cheese on homemade sourdough bread. I still need to grab a piece of fruit and a carrot.

Good thing for me there isn't much food in this house. It's hard not to graze my way through the day when we are home. And it's amazing how tempting it is to eat whatever is there...

Guess what the theme is for today?????

If you want to eat healthy and often, be prepared.
This is a true test this morning:
I have to make Hazelnut Cinnamon Rolls for work.... Can I really cook and not eat? I don't know. I usually snack when I cook....we will see.

Day 2 DONE

Day 2 proved a little bit harder, and the main reason is NOT BEING PREPARED!!! I had a rough morning getting everyone ready and talking on the phone to a psycho person (JK) and therefore wasn't prepared for my shake for breakfast. I rummaged around in my gi-normous in style purse and came up with a pack of gum and a small bag of peanuts.
Viola, breakfast.
At the lunch hour I was very ready to eat, and of course being unprepared for lunch, I ate in the school cafeteria (see previous post on how healthy this is). I managed a plate of lettuce with ground beef (?) a small amount of cheese and 4 packets of taco sauce for lunch, and 2 bites of a piece of cake with the brightest pink frosting I have ever seen!
When I got home I had a small bowl of Frosted mini-wheats (gave into a crave) and then a sensible dinner of (I know you cannot guess) a shake!
Exercise = nada
Unless you count the 500 jumping jacks, the 6 laps of running around the gym, the 500 jump roping and the 60 seconds of 6 inches I did in PE with the kids.
I don't.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 1 DONE

I know what you are thinking, "if she blogs this much everyday, it will be a novel by the time she is un-pear shaped". Well you do not have to worry., I will try to combine my blogs and only post once (or twice).
Last night I went to bed feeling GOOD and tired! I went to a 15 minute ab class and a hour class called "Dance Attack". It was FUN and hilarious and hard to dance w/o being drunk! HAHA But trust me, it moved every muscle I have and it did it's job. And a many times I was breathing very hard, so overall a good workout.
My snack yesterday before work out was 3 pieces of smoked turkey rolled up, it was yummy! And then for dinner I had grilled chicken, whole wheat pasta (small amount) and broccoli (large amount), and a beer (at least I bought Michelob Ultra!)
So I slept great, which has been hard for me lately, and although I am a little sore today (argh) I am feeling good and ready to go.
See the problem is, I do not think I am fat when I am working out. My body feels strong and therefore I am good to go. When I do not work out, even for one day, I think "Wow, you've done it now, flab city!" Even though part of my brain knows that is not true, the other part convinces it that it is.
battle of the brains.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Haircuts for Pear Shaped Women

okay this made me laugh...
there are actually haircuts for pears.

school lunches

maybe when we were kids the food was acceptable, but have you eaten here lately?
1 serving of something fried
4 servings of carbs
1 serving of some canned fruit or vegetable
chocolate milk or water for drink.

Now last week, I told myself that this was an acceptable lunch, and since it only costs $1.00 (for teachers) I was all for it. (can you believe I pay $3.50 for my child to consume this?) Today however, lunch will be different. A lean protein (grilled chicken breast brought from home) and a single serving of cottage cheese and 1/2 banana.
While I am sitting here craving a muffin, I have come up with the following:

My stomach is growling
Under the napkin are 10 muffins
Food that appears harmless is actually bad for you (I mean it is a bran muffin)
Funny how a little muffin has such power
I am not kidding
Nothing good will come from eating a muffin
So I will NOT eat a muffin, and will deliver them to the office for all to eat!

ps: check it out: brown bag naturals

Wendy's First Day

I am...a pear shape! Whew, I feel like I'm at a meeting. I will trust God to help me accept what I cannot change, but I CAN change this! My short-term vain deadline is July 26th for my 25 year high school reunion. I want to lose 15 pounds of pear-fat in 11 weeks. My long-term health-for-life deadline is in September, when my first grandchild is to be born. Her Great-Nana is looking great and is a smaller pear than I. Nanny Wendy needs to be in as good a shape as Great-Nana!

I will begin with getting control of my food intake, as well. I am filling out a food diary so that I have see the whole day and face it. Whole, real foods only. Drink my quota of water. I'm with you on the week of serious food change. So far: One egg & one banana (protein and carb). I am beginning from ground zero on the aerobics level, so I will start slower. I will walk outside (as soon as the rain stops and the ground isn't mud!) outside or in town when I can.

How many days should I lift? Whole body work out or alternate upper and lower body? Also, what kind of caloric intake can I go to sensibly? I will eat the 5 smaller meals/snacks.

I will post pics (not the naked ones!) as soon as I figure out how to get them on my computer...I guess in my bathing suit...does anyone really want to see that??? But, the July pics will be better!

Pear plans to Pare down!

How can a Pear best pare down her lower body? My cardio plan has three major components:
1) Long cardio sessions
2) Interval aerobic exercise
3) Order of high-intensity intervals

Pear Paring Tip #1: Do aerobic exercise for a minimum of 45 minutes per day, for as many days per week as you can.

Is it better for you to do "steady-state" cardio at one constant speed, or should you shake it up with varying intensities? "Interval training--absolutely," says Olson. (In interval training, you alternate measured periods of high-intensity and lower-intensity exercise.) Olson explains that interval training typically burns more calories than steady-state cardio does. "The total energy expenditure is the most important thing. As a Pear is working out, her body is going to want to draw fatty acids from her upper body to begin with. You need to get your body over that hump to where it says, Okay, I've used a lot of fat here and I like to take it from the upper body, but now I'm going to have to turn to this other fat storage site. And that is really just dependent on total calories expended," she says.

okay, then...
ps no donuts in the office, but a caramel cake!!! And someone put an entire bag of muffins on my desk, as a "thank you for being my teacher this year" gift....oh the temptations!

more information

I didn't give you any details about why I am doing the good food thing for the next 8 days, so here you go.
My schedule is so busy with the last week of school etc...that I cannot count on working out. This has been my struggle for the last 2 years. How to schedule work out time and work full time and have 3 busy kids etc... It just hasn't "worked out" that well! So, I have to adjust my eating. This is so hard for me because I LOVE FOOD!!!! I have not had to adjust my eating for the last several years (prior to my full time employment) because I was basically working out full time! So I could continue to eat how and when I wanted without too much thought, because I was burning 1500 calories per day!
Well, I had thoughts about this over the past 2 years, but I couldn't find the discipline to make myself curb my eating habits.
So 8 days of curbing my eating until the workouts can really begin.
I have had a protein shake this morning for breakfast.

Day 1

Well, I am up and praying. seriously.
I have mapped out the day, what it will look like, what I will eat and when I will exercise.
planning is the key.
that and praying that no one brings hot fresh donuts to school today!!
In my body so far:
1 cup of coffee with 2 splenda and 1 T half and half

Sunday, May 11, 2008


I had to post some other pictures of me and family to make myself feel better!
whew, that does it.
i feel better.
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digital photos

This is my pear shaped self...will post again after food/exercise revamp occurs!!!
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tears of laughter

My sister is so funny, yet so real, and what she says is what a lot of us are thinking, we just didn't say it. We laughed (cried laughing actually) about how instant our minds can lead us to believe that we are fat, or unpleasant, even to our husbands! And how the instant your beloved's hand touches that one fat spot, our minds can completely convince us that we are fat and our husbands do not want us. And really it is more than that, it can take us out of the mood in that one instant. "I am fat and he doesn't want that." When really that hasn't ONCE crossed his mind, he is focused on one thing, and it wasn't that he felt a fat roll.
She took pictures of herself naked on her digital camera.
Front and back.
Brave move.
I will do it tonight, with a bikini, and post them tomorrow.
That is if I can figure out my new (Mother's day gift) digital camera.
I love my sister.

Flatten Your Belly in Just 2 Weeks!Sunday, May 11, 2008 2:02 PM

I just received this email...
What about us pear shapes, where is the "flatten your hips, butt and thighs in Just 2 weeks"??
So I replied "Thanks so much but I already have a flat belly, please keep me updated when you learn how to flatten my butt and thighs in 2 short weeks and then I might take you seriously. Until then, please only send this email to "apple" shapes as it sort of pisses us pears off."

Monday, always Monday

On Monday, that is tomorrow, the day after Mother's Day... it will begin.
The 8 days of being serious and disciplined.
I will eat right for these next 8 days.
I will journal what I eat and be held accountable.
On the 9th day, I will begin serious and (again) disciplined exercise.
I will re-shape this pear shape.
I had it shaped before, and for the last 2 years I have let it slide and jiggle it's way into...
well into a mess. So this is it.
Join me?

Post a picture of you, of your food, of your exercise. Help me and I will help you.
Let's go.