Thursday, May 15, 2008

Pear Shape + exercise = thin pear?

So IF I do get any thinner, is it just a thinner pear?
I do think so.
It is way worth it to be the thin pear than the fat pear.
To me, exercise is necessary, I FEEL good. I feel good even about the bad things.
To me it is a cure of sorts.
I believe in it.


Jmanlefty said...

I'm a 50+ year old male. It confounds me the number of women that don't like being pears? I guess some young immature high school dudes, Hollywood, and fashion board walks, kind of discriminate against pear shaped women? You pear shaped ladies need to understand, there's a whole bunch of us nasty males, that think that pear shape is just fine. If you've got a reasonably small waist, yet huge hips and thighs and butt, that looks just fine to some of us males. You might not make it in Hollywood, but you make it with our lust.

Anonymous said...

i just stumbled across this blog and I love it!

I am a pear - boo and hate it, ahh hate it so much. exercise makes me a smaller pear. except in 2 circumstances that i have since been unable to mimic. once in highschool for sports, the coach had us doing insane running/sprints, drills and in a month i managed to become a non pear, a lean strait body, and the second time was in university when i ran out of money and could only scrape together one meal a day...

keep up the blog

trose said...

hahaha I am thinking I should try the 2 option...the non-eating option!