Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Day 1 DONE

I know what you are thinking, "if she blogs this much everyday, it will be a novel by the time she is un-pear shaped". Well you do not have to worry., I will try to combine my blogs and only post once (or twice).
Last night I went to bed feeling GOOD and tired! I went to a 15 minute ab class and a hour class called "Dance Attack". It was FUN and hilarious and hard to dance w/o being drunk! HAHA But trust me, it moved every muscle I have and it did it's job. And a many times I was breathing very hard, so overall a good workout.
My snack yesterday before work out was 3 pieces of smoked turkey rolled up, it was yummy! And then for dinner I had grilled chicken, whole wheat pasta (small amount) and broccoli (large amount), and a beer (at least I bought Michelob Ultra!)
So I slept great, which has been hard for me lately, and although I am a little sore today (argh) I am feeling good and ready to go.
See the problem is, I do not think I am fat when I am working out. My body feels strong and therefore I am good to go. When I do not work out, even for one day, I think "Wow, you've done it now, flab city!" Even though part of my brain knows that is not true, the other part convinces it that it is.
battle of the brains.