Wednesday, May 21, 2008

the experts have spoken

Large pears to small pears.The apples in Wadden’s study lost fat mostly in the chest and abdomen so they looked different after losing weight. The pears, meanwhile, lost fat in both their upper and lower body so they maintained their basic shape even when they became smaller.
Wadden observed that “weight loss is often not as noticeable in pear-shaped women because their hips and thighs still look heavy compared to their waists and chests”. He said the pear-shaped women entered his study as large pears and they left as small pears.

One pear's opinion
Tips for reshaping a pear-shaped body.
A pear-shaped woman still needs to do cardiovascular or aerobic exercise to reduce body fat. Build up your stamina so that you can do vigorous aerobic workouts (running, cardio gym machines, aerobic classes, cycling, dancing, etc.) three to six times a week.
Develop sensible eating habits. There is no way you can reduce hip and thigh fat if your daily diet consists of junk food, fast food, creamy or oily food, cakes and pastries, etc. Eat mostly natural high-fiber food like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains and if you eat animal protein and dairy products, make sure they are from lean low-fat sources. Eat the sweets and junk food only occasionally and in moderation.
Build muscle mass in the upper body by lifting weights heavy enough to fatigue you in eight to twelve repetitions.
Tone and tighten the muscles in your lower body without building mass by lifting “light” weights for fifteen to twenty repetitions. Do not be afraid to lift weights for your lower body - just don’t lift heavy. I have seen women who were so scared to build bulk in their legs that they would only use one-pound ankle weights. You will not get anywhere with those “baby” weights. I cannot give an absolute number like “never use ankle weights beyond six pounds per leg” because women come in different sizes and heights. You will know the weight is light because you can comfortably lift it fifteen to twenty times. By the last couple of repetitions, it should “cost” you a little something in terms of effort. You are wasting your time if you can lift your legs fifty times without even batting an eyelash.
Be patient. Building muscle mass in the upper body is not as easy as it sounds. You have to learn the right way to lift weights and build up your strength gradually. It takes a while to get strong enough to lift the weight required for your muscles to start getting bigger. The fat on your hips, thighs, and buttocks will not surrender very easily either.
Be realistic. Your body can change shape but it can only change so far. Be happy with what you can change. Don’t get depressed over what you cannot change. For example, you cannot change the width of your hips if you have already trimmed the fat practically down to the bone. The thighs and buttocks will also always be a little fleshier than you would probably prefer