Wednesday, May 26, 2010

pears metabolized

okay, i have been appropriately "tsk tsk'ed" by my baby sister.
We need to love whatever vegetable we might be.
I lost that. I have been through a slump lately...not liking my pear shape. Not wanting the pear shape.
2 things have made this happen...
1. I almost completely stopped working out for 2 months. Just didn't feel like it, didn't want to, didn't think it would matter that much. But OH HOW IT MATTERS TO PEARS!!
2. I am getting old. As in my metabolism has just abruptly stopped working...or so it feels this way.

What does this mean?

I have had to work extra hard in the exercise department in order to get some sort of shape back... and I have really had to follow a stricter diet, one that allows for an, uh uhm, aging woman.

So far...pleased with results.
So far...going well.
So far...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

pear demise?

nope. still here, still fighting, still trying to un-pear.
I am doing great! exercising daily, the whole insanity thing. and let me tell you it is insane. seriously insane.
I am doing mostly well in my eating. I have been stricter (more strict?) on my eating.
clean eating.
i have eaten veggie burgers and spicy black bean burgers.
i am roasting chicken right now, smells good :)
i have given up beer except on weekends.
its a start
don't judge.