Wednesday, May 26, 2010

pears metabolized

okay, i have been appropriately "tsk tsk'ed" by my baby sister.
We need to love whatever vegetable we might be.
I lost that. I have been through a slump lately...not liking my pear shape. Not wanting the pear shape.
2 things have made this happen...
1. I almost completely stopped working out for 2 months. Just didn't feel like it, didn't want to, didn't think it would matter that much. But OH HOW IT MATTERS TO PEARS!!
2. I am getting old. As in my metabolism has just abruptly stopped working...or so it feels this way.

What does this mean?

I have had to work extra hard in the exercise department in order to get some sort of shape back... and I have really had to follow a stricter diet, one that allows for an, uh uhm, aging woman.

So far...pleased with results.
So far...going well.
So far...


wen2farm said...

I think it's more about the food. I was going to aerobics, working out, living in pain....

ended up with a bigger pear b/c I was sooo hungry.

and my surgery site keeps hurting.

So, no aerobics, unless I join the "Silver Sneakers" class!

But, at least I won't be so hungry and can (hopefully) shrink my pear again!

molly said...

ha. :)
okay. so yeah. i'm not going to say that being a pear is always awesome. though i will say, that being a pear (or an apple) is always a fruit! :) just had to call you out on that one too...
and i agree... getting older makes it tough. 1. we o'connors have had great metabolisms. i can still rely on mine. 2. we o'connors have not had good discipline. especially on the eating end of things. yikes. i have not been good at this.

i've not started working out since shepherd was born.
i want to run... but am unmotivated to do so by myself in my new hilly hometown...
i need help! and encouragement!

any books you could recommend would be great... on being a healthy stay at home mom?

love pears.