Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Day 2 DONE

Day 2 proved a little bit harder, and the main reason is NOT BEING PREPARED!!! I had a rough morning getting everyone ready and talking on the phone to a psycho person (JK) and therefore wasn't prepared for my shake for breakfast. I rummaged around in my gi-normous in style purse and came up with a pack of gum and a small bag of peanuts.
Viola, breakfast.
At the lunch hour I was very ready to eat, and of course being unprepared for lunch, I ate in the school cafeteria (see previous post on how healthy this is). I managed a plate of lettuce with ground beef (?) a small amount of cheese and 4 packets of taco sauce for lunch, and 2 bites of a piece of cake with the brightest pink frosting I have ever seen!
When I got home I had a small bowl of Frosted mini-wheats (gave into a crave) and then a sensible dinner of (I know you cannot guess) a shake!
Exercise = nada
Unless you count the 500 jumping jacks, the 6 laps of running around the gym, the 500 jump roping and the 60 seconds of 6 inches I did in PE with the kids.
I don't.