Tuesday, August 12, 2008

goals, goals, goals

well, i officially signed up for the columbus half marathon. october 19th.

my goals are: 
1. getting to the starting line
2. enjoying the race
3. finishing the same day
i did run a 5K a couple weeks ago... it was so fun. and i'm running another one this friday evening! i am really enjoying running, and that's the first time i've run long enough/consistant enough to be able to say that. 
other exercise goals:
1. yoga on a regular basis
2. riding my road bike (padded shorts anyone??)
3. 50 crunches a day/10 push-ups a day
food goals:
1. no more soda
2. no more desserts (except jenni's ice cream for the rest of summer:)
3. no more alcohol (with few exceptions, of course:)
4. more fruits, veggies & protein!
5. only 1 coffee drink a day
6. no more processed foods
(that looks like too many "no's". i don't really like that, but not really sure how to be specific without them...)
tam - you coming up here for the race??


Kelly said...

Ha! LOL - the whole time I read this post I thought it was Tammy. I was like "you go girl!" Then I read the "no more soda" comment and I was thinking when did you START drinking soda!


Anonymous said...

Yea, no soda for me and I would never want to say no more alcohol either!

Anonymous said...

I have the biking shorts you gave me when you gave me your bike!

molly said...

ooh great! i need those shorts!!